Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Dumbest thing heard today

On the Discovery Channel's Future Weapons, while talking about military GPS capability....

"The military has far better GPS systems then the general public"

Well I would certainly fucking hope so. Its nice to know that the military isn't using Tom Tom to find their target.


Ryan said...

This is neither funny, nor humorous in any way but....

The military is using the same satellites as everyone else.... the only differnce is, the have a thing called a 'differential correction' set up close to where there targets are.

Surveyors use the same 'differential correction' when surveying objects that need to be within a few centimeters of accuracy.

But everyone from Tom Tom, to the military use the same stuff... a little scary but true.

Cathy said...

Wow, I didn't know that Ryan. I have no idea what I assumed because as a general rule I don't think about that kind of stuff. I certainly would have guessed it to be something more James Bond-ish though.

SonjaB said...

It just seemed like a dumb thing to say on this particular program. OF course that satilites are the same, but one should assume that the military has more precise ways of using it, as you said.

Memphis said...

Tom Tom, where's Osama?

Hell if I know.